November Monthly Competition – bonus subject Wildlife

LTPC meeting on Monday November 6th, 7:00pm at the Lone Tree Civic Center.

This is a monthly competition held for Lone Tree Photography Club members. Lone Tree Photography Club Meetup membership alone does not also constitute Lone Tree Photography Club membership; they are 2 separate memberships with separate privileges. LTPC membership dues are only $25 annually and can be completed online at Join the Club. LTPC non-members may attend and vote on images but may not submit images into the competition.

This month’s bonus subject is Wildlife: the main point of interest in the photograph is a wild animal. Members may submit images with any subject, however, those who receive awards in the bonus subject category will receive double award points for year end totals. Members must be present at the competition meeting to enter. Exception is given for members to enter 2 competitions a calendar year in their absence due to vacations and work conflicts. Members may only enter images taken in the previous 24 months of the competition date.

This month’s judge is professional photographer Dawn Wilson. Our judge critiques every image submitted in the competition and awards a ribbon in every category. Ribbons will also be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and honorable mention in each category by member vote.

To enter your images (4 maximum, only 2 in any specific category) use the Image Submission Form, and choose the Lone Tree Monthly Competition field when selecting the type of competition. If you do not receive a confirmation email please contact the club president. Make sure none of your images have identifying text such as a watermark. All entries are due by midnight, Wednesday, November 1st. For for rules and further instruction, refer to the competition guidelines and submission standards.

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