Join Art Ballah for the Hands on Print Workshop on Sunday, May 22, 2022, 9am-1pm at the Lone Tree Civic Center, 8527 Lone Tree Parkway, Lone Tree, CO.
Workshop Objectives:
To develop understanding of critical issues and workflow associated with printing using Lightroom Classic.
Understand cost effective options and techniques for displaying prints.
Discussion of paper types and characteristics and how they affect the output of a print.
Evaluating a finished print for what may have not printed right and how to correct for it.
Art has been doing his own printing for several years and will share his knowledge and expertise. Plus each participant gets a really nice print! If a participant does not have an image ready for printing at the time of the workshop, you will be allowed to submit an image on or before 20 June 2022 or forfeit your print.
Each participant will upload a tiff, DNG (preferred file type) or high res jpg file that they wish to print out (the LTPC club Dropbox Link will be sent out to those who register; please make a backup copy on a jumpdrive to bring to class). Files should be uploaded by midnight Friday May 20th.
Crop the image to either a 4:5 or 2:3 aspect ratio as appropriate. Sizing will be done at time of printing. Your image will need to be ready to print, as no additional post processing will be done to the image.
Materials provided:
Print 16″ x 20″ (4:5 aspect ratio) or 14″ x 21″ (2:3 aspect ratio)
Mounted on gator board, with misc hardware
Additional items for purchase ($20 to $35): Float Frame (black only)
Registration required:
Cost is $30 per person for LTPC members or non-members. Limited to 10 people.
Select your type of registration (Lone Tree Photo Club member or non-member) and “Pay Now” to pay the workshop fee with a credit card through PayPal. You will then be redirected to the Workshop Registration form to complete your registration for this workshop.